This time I happened to use the type of APC BE525 UPS U.S. Backs UPS includingolder models are equipped with RS232 serial port for communication with a PC.Software used is APCpowerChute Personal Edition mengistalnya following step of the way:
Perform a set konektisitas printalasi on PC. There is some type of APC UPS with a different connection. USB connections are usually plug and play As with the RS232com.
1.A. Sign in to Device manager of the Star Menu> Right-click Computer> Manage
2. In the device manager menu, right click and Edit Cummunications Port Properties.
3. In the Properties window select the settings tab there are some ports to regulateboudrate Settings and other settings for COM1.
4. Users select the type BacksUPS Bit Per second to 2400 for serial communicationwhich is not too fast.
5. Other Regulatory Data Bits 8 Stop Bits 1 Parity Without Without Flow Control
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