Ok do not have further ado we already know the sense of pure white face And that's howwe started skarang tips:
Good luck ....^_^
- Buy a facial cleanser suitable one for you as Nevea.vasline, pons, Garnier,,,, buycleaning it at the nearest store
- buy haslin image is useful bleach to whiten your face or other haslin is useful to whitenyour face Before you buy your first consultation to the cashier or the place of purchasesoap.
- after preparation was then you wear a suitable cleaner for you every day 3kali day alsoclean your face at night
- then after you cleanse your face with your cleanser haslin wear a suitable image to whiten your face or other image haslin use after you cleanse your face with a suitablecleaning
- These tips will not damage your face as long as you use your facial cleanser suitable one does not try to change-change in after you go any where wash your face before the move or after the move.
Good luck ....^_^
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